Corrosion and Your Equipment

Image from Terence Bell

Corrosion is birthed by the deterioration of a metal, and with deterioration comes eventual failure. Corrosion is caused by a chemical reaction causing  deterioration of the entire surface of a metal. Ultimately, the metal breaks down causing irreversible damage that can effectively cause the failure of the metal, and therefore the failure of your equipment.

BUT, there is hope, because deterioration is often preventable.

No metal is immune to corrosion in all environments, but by understanding the metal being used the corrosion level may be reduced. Changes to the type of metal being used when working with corrosive products will help in reduction. When having a corrosive product, you may opt to use an epoxy or a urethane coating, stainless steel sealant, or high grade stainless steal like type 304 and type 316.

To better equip your equipment, you yourself do not necessarily have to know about corrosion prevention, but your manufacturer should. Data Scale offers all of the options mentioned in the article and are more than happy to help make the best decision for you.

3 Tips For Buying Liquid Filling Equipment

When you are considering purchasing liquid filling equipment there are several things to keep in mind, but where do you even begin? Here are the top 3 things that Data Scale believes our customer or any customers looking to buy liquid filling equipment should keep in mind.

  1. KNOW YOUR PRODUCT. Consider things like the state, viscosity, ad characteristic properties such as flammibilty or acidity before begining your search. It is also important to note whether or not your product has particulates like fruit pieces, sand, or pulp which would require pumps and valves made to accommodate them. Similarly, consider the type and shape of the containers that you will because the manufacturer will have to build a machine that can be compatible with them.
  2. KNOW YOUR FILLER. Much like knowing your product, you must also evaluate what you need from a filler aside from the general CPM (containers per minute) output, pneumatics/electronics, and nuts  and bolts. Whats important to know when buying a filler is whether or not it can grow. What does that mean? Well, consider that when you buy a filler to fill at the capacity you presently seem fit, may not be the capacity you need in a year or so.  Let’s say product demand goes up and your filler can’t keep up , what do you do? Can your filler be upgraded to meet your needs yet again with only a few minor adjustments? You want a filler that meets all your needs, even your future ones.
  3. KNOW THE ACCURACY. You don’t want to give away your products freely and lose money by overfilling, but you also don’t want to face fines and penalties from underweight products either. This is exactly why accuracy is important. Accuracy = Money Saved.

Now that you have all the tips you need to get you started on your search, where do you find a company that can meet your needs? Well with over 40 years in business Data Scale has the experience and precision that liquid filling requires.

Are You Maximizing Your ROI?


Over fill can cost you a loss in profit, but underfill can cost you a penalty for underweight products.

These filling systems can easily pay for themselves from the cost of overfilling. Automation can improve ROI, so let the machines do the work. Accuracy is important, but ROI keeps you in business.

Let’s look at some numbers representing the potential cost of overfill per year.

Cost of 1% overfill @1.00/lb

–> 1 gallon @ (10 lbs per gallon) x 1% overfill = 1/10 lb

–> 1/10 lb  $1.00 per pound = $0.10

–> 10 containers x.1 lb = 1 lb overfill x $1.00 lb = $1.00

–> 100 containers x .1 lb = 10 lbs overfill x $1.00 per pound = $10.00

–> 1000 containers = $100.00

For every 10 containers $1.00 is lost.

10 containers per minute fill rate = 600 containers per hour

LOSS due to overfilling per hour = $60

$60 per hour x 7 hours = $420

LOSS due to overfilling per day = $420

$420 per day x 5 days a week

LOSS due to overfilling per week = $2,100

$2,100 per week x 50 (annually)

LOSS due to overfilling per year = $105,000

Now to put things into perspective, the cost of overfill could easily be resolved simply by the accuracy of your filling equipment. Invest in equipment that will pay for itself. 

Data Scale’s Model 51-T top fill pneumatic Net Weight Filler with 1/10th of a pound accuracy has a base price of $8,000.

Data Scale’s Model 501-T Top Fill “Pneumatic/Electro” Net Weight Filler with 1/100th of a pound accuracy has a base price of $13,000

E-mail us at [email protected] for more information on how you can maximize your ROI with our equipment.

3 Keys to a Relationship that Sells Itself

Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.”

-Andy Warhol

    To be good in business, is to be good to your customers. When making a sale, we are initializing a relationship with customers, and just like any other relationship, there are a few things it requires…


LISTEN. As a business we must know what our customers want in order to better serve their needs. Listen to customers, they let us know what they want and how you can serve them.  Take the time to identify customer needs by asking questions and focusing on what the customer is really saying.


NEEDS. Just like any relationship, customers have needs. Customers don’t just buy products, but they actually buy good feelings and the confidence that their needs will be met. Most customer needs are emotional rather than logical. The more you know your customers, the better you become at anticipating their needs. 


COMMUNICATION. Help customers understand your systems and what you can do for them. You may have the best solution for getting things done, but if customers don’t understand it, they can lose interest. Take time to explain how things work and how they are the right solution for them.

Just like any relationship, the customer-business relationship share the need for a few simple things. Communication, knowing and meeting your customers needs and listening are all important to a happy customer.